Thursday, January 20, 2011

Castaway: Chapter 3 - Jasmin and Kevin

Chapter Three - Jasmin and Kevin

Now that they have been together on the island for quite some time Kevin is now ready to surprise Jasmin.

Kevin took the time to find and make a special ring for Jasmin, he wanted to make her his wife and spend the rest of his life with her. Life couldn't be better. Jasmin got a surprise from Kevin when he took a knee and asked her to marry him and presented her a ring made of shell that he had carved into a ring.
Jasmin is surprised and shocked and of course she says "Yes!".

Jasmin and Kevin are ready to start a new chapter in their life. It couldn't be more perfect. They were in their own world, their own little paradise.
After a hard day of work, Kevin enjoys a meal with Jasmin. They caught lobster today.

Kevin later made Jasmin a salad, he loved to cook for her and was getting quite good at it.
So after a few months they decided to get married. The day was nice and cool and they exchanged the rings they had made each other with sweet words of love.

Now they are married and ready to start living as husband and wife.
Later that night, Kevin and Jasmin shared the bed that Kevin made a month ahead for them.
Jasmin was so happy to have Kevin in her life. Now she could spend the rest of her life with him. But in the back of her mind she missed her parents and wished they could have been here to see her wedding day and to meet Kevin.
A few months later Jasmin stayed tired a lot and even starting to sleep in while Kevin went gathering food and supplies.
Kevin decided to surprise Jasmin with breakfast in bed.
But as Jasmin got up after her nap and felt really ill to her stomach.
Before she knew it, she was running to the bathroom and throwing up. "Oh my, I ate something really bad" she thought, "This is the worst stomach bug I have ever had."

But after a month she realized she was in fact pregnant. She rushed to tell Kevin, and he was thrilled. He was going to be a daddy.

It didn't take long before Kevin had the nursery ready for the baby.

"I love this room Kevin. It's perfect." she told him.

A few months later, her stomach started to grow.

Kevin is thrilled to feel the baby kick for the first time. "We need to make this house bigger and more up to date. I'll get started on it right away." he told her.

As Jasmin's pregnancy progressed, he did the fishing and the building of their new hut.
With not much time to spare before the baby was to arrive, Kevin finished the new part of the hut.

Kevin even had it decorated outside.

He even made the Kitchen nice for Jasmin.
Kevin had the living room finished
While doing the dishes, Jasmin gets a pain in her stomach.

"I better go find Kevin, I think the baby is coming!"
I cant believe I'm about to be a mom. I hope I can be a good mom to this baby. I don't have a clue on what I'm doing. 

Will Jasmin find Kevin in time, and have a smooth delivery?
Will they have a boy or a girl?

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