"I have something to ask you," he pauses and then takes my hand. "Ok, what is it?" I ask. "I need to bond you to me as soon as possible. This will protect you from the others," he says. "I thought you were already bonded to Jen, how can you have a bond with us both?" I ask. "That is true, I can only be bonded to one. I will have to unbind myself from her and then do the binding spell with you," he replies. "What will happen to Jen once you unbind yourself from her?" I ask. "I will get her out of here when we leave," he says.
"Why can't we just leave?" I ask. "I wish it was that simple, I have to set some things straight, or we will be hunted and always on the run. I do not want to live that kind of life," he replies as he steps closer to where we're nose to nose. "Well, will you bond with me?" he asks. "It's not fair, you are playing the hot guy card. You know I can't resist you, and that's not fair," I huff. "Well, us men do what we must to get ahead, and if you have the card, then play it," he laughs.
"Yes," I manage to get out before he attacks me with a kiss.
"I'll be back, stay here, and don't let anyone in other than me," he tells me as he plants a quick kiss on my lips.
Dimitri returns with Jen. "I needed to talk to you both alone, away from the others. I have something to discuss," he says as he motions us to the couch in front of the fireplace.
Jen sits down, crossing her legs with a dead serious look on her face. I sit down next to her as Dimitri comes to stand right in front of us. "I just explained the situation with Emily, and now I need to discuss it with you," he tells Jen. "I need to bond with Emily and release you from my bond," he starts.
Jen leaps off the couch. "Are you mad, they will kill me if they find out your plan. They will do it just to get at you," she cries out. "I will still protect you, I have a plan to get you out of here safe so you can lead a normal life. Don't you want that?" he asks.
"I do, but we have been bonded for a while, and it will feel like a part of me being ripped apart. You are not the only vampire I have been bonded to. Every time they unbind me....., I feel like a part of my soul is gone," she says. "I know, but you know this has to be done," Dimitri says as he looks down at the floor with a sadness in his eyes.
Trust me, I will keep you safe," he says. Jen nods her head, then steps a few feet away from Dimitri."I'm ready, go ahead," she says as she prepares herself. He starts to wave his hands around, chanting something. A green glow of light sparks from his hands and then darts toward Jen.
I stand there stunned when the bright light hits her. Her body jerks, as the light, radiates through her. As the light fades, she seems to come to her senses. She looks sad, and I know she feels what she described before. I know that feeling all too well. 

She steps back and motions for me to take her place. "Ok, your next," he says as he smiles at me. After just witnessing what Jen went through, unbinding her makes me really wonder if this is going to hurt.
I step in front of Dimitri as he starts doing what he did with Jen.
I stare as Dimitri starts spouting words off that I don't understand as his hands glow a strange green light. He moves his hands around fast, causing dancing streaks of light. I can only watch with amazement.
He whips his hands in my direction, and now I'm a little worried that this is going to hurt. I find myself cringing as the anticipation of the spell increases.
I watch as the light comes at me.
All a sudden, I'm hit with a bolt of light that sends waves of warmth through my body. I stumble a few feet backward.
"Is it done?" I ask as if trying to prepare for something else to happen. I feel a strange pull toward Dimitri. "Now that wasn't so bad. You're now bonded to me," he says with a calm tone. "Jen, go to my room and do not leave. Go to the hidden place in my room till I join you there," he tells Jen. I watch as Jen leaves the room, leaving Dimitri and me alone.
I hear the door open and turn to see a vampire women walk in. She locks eyes with me as her face grows cold. I recognize her from the attack at my house. 

Dimitri wraps his arms around me, pulling me to him. "Ella, I see that Marcus managed to get in contact with you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be back so soon," Dimitri says with a flat tone. "Oh yeah, he did, and you think I shouldn't have been notified that you had her. You know we have been searching for her. Here she is, a guest in my own home. I must thank you," she says coolly.
"Yes, I did find her, but not for you. She's mine, and you know it," Dimitri says as he steps in front of me. Ella looks enraged as she stares at Dimitri. "Oh, you will give her to me, I will not be denied. You know this. Don't be a fool," she scowls at Dimitri. Dimitri doesn't move. He stands his ground while staring down at Ella.
"I offered you a place by my side, and you refused. Now you are going to try to keep her from me. You are sadly mistaken if you think you can take me on. I will have her, and she will be mine to do with as I please. You are testing my patience," Ella hisses through clenched teeth. "I will not give her to you. She's been mine from the start and will always be mine, he says with a cool tone. "We will see about that," she hisses as she storms out of the room.
Very good