Dimitri's Grandmother heads back to the palace, leaving us alone in this amazing house. She promised us that we didn't have to worry about any of the Nightwalkers bothering us ever again. I could make this my home, it feels like home to me. I have not felt like this since living at home with my sister, mom, and dad. I miss my family, dearly. My sister has become a Nightwalker suspended in time, forever a teenager with her boyfriend. I often wonder if my mother and father would have been happy for me and Dimitri that are no longer here. Their faces still haunt my dreams at night. I don't think I'll ever get the screams to stop.
It will take some time for me to get adjusted to not running or hiding anymore. I know I have only been on the run for almost two years, but it feels like I have been running all my life. Now I'm here with Dimitri, and my dreams are coming true with him. If only he wasn't a Nightwalker, it would be perfect.
As I look around I can tell that Dimitri has taken a lot of time to set up this house. It looks like it's been in his family for generations with all the stunning details. While in the living room after saying our last goodbyes to Dimitri's Grandmother. Once she leaves, Dimitri comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me."I love you, my sweet Emily," he whispers into my ear.
Turning around in his arms, I stare into those beautiful brown eyes that are lined in red. I have finally gotten past the eerie red that used to scare me so much. I no longer see him as a monster, but as the man, I fell in love with so long ago.
Without warning, he spins me around him. My breath catches for a second. I let out a giggle as I turn again to see him smiling at me. 

I gasp as he dips me down and plants a kiss on my lips. He pulls me closer to him, and I wish I could feel his warmth again. I push the thought away because I'm happy to have him back in my life. Thinking back on how it tore me apart when I thought I had lost him. I can wait for the day for us to be together like we were.
I lean over and plant another kiss on his lips. "Me too, my love," he whispers. "I'm a little hungry. Let's go check out this awesome kitchen of yours," I giggle.
With my stomach growling, I head to the kitchen to fix something to eat. I start going through the cabinets to see what he has stocked. I find that it's full and ready for me to cook anything my heart desires.
I start pulling out ingredients and begin to mix things. Dimitri watches me with amusement as I continue adding things and making myself familiar with the kitchen. I could be a professional cook with this kitchen. As I continue to cook, I realize that Dimitri can't enjoy the meals I cook. I glance over at him from time to time to see him watching me cook with amusement. "What!" I ask with a smirk. "I love to watch you cook," he says. I turn back to the task when I realize something.
I glance over at Dimitri and notice a weird expression on his face. "When was the last time you fed?" I ask, turning around to meet his gaze. "Not too long ago. I'm good. Don't worry about it," he says with a cool tone. "Ok, It just seems like it's been a while since you fed. I can't remember the last time you ate. I was just wondering. I worry about you, "I say as I continue cooking.
I get everything set and place my plate on the table. I sit down and sigh as Dimitri joins me at the table. "I feel weird eating in front of you. I feel so bad that you can't eat too. It just doesn't seem right to sit here and eat in front of you," I whisper as I look down at my plate.
"Emily! Please eat. I have been this way for a while now, and I'm used to it. I want to see you happy, and I can make good conversation while you eat. Plus, I need you strong and healthy," he says as he smirks at me. It makes me wonder as I start to dig into my food.
I can't help it, my mind wanders too much. "Exactly what does that mean when you say healthy and strong?" I ask with a confused look on my face. "I'll let you figure that one out," he says as he laughs. "So what are you going to do about yourself? What will you do to keep yourself from starving to death?" I ask as I take another bite of my food.
"I can do a few things. I can go visit my Grandmother at her palace where she has people donate their blood, or I can go hunt, "he says. I gasp, "hunt, like humans. Do you kill them," I shout out? "No, Emily, I don't kill anyone. I don't hunt humans either, he says as he giggles. "No, I hunt animals, and I don't kill them either. I choose several, and they all live after I'm done. I got to admit it takes several to fill my appetite, but I make do," he says as he sits back in his chair. 

I finish eating and go to put my dishes away when Dimitri jumps up and pulls me into his arms. His lips are kissing mine with a passion that reminds me of how we were before this all went wrong. His touch sends waves of emotions that rush me. I find myself weak at the knees, and he's practically holding me up at this point. He's not kissed me like this since he turned, and I'm gasping.
He pulls away, and I'm out of breath. "You don't play fair," I whisper. "I know, my love. I think you have waited long enough," he says.
He walks past me, and all I can do is stare. "Meet me in the bedroom," he says in a smooth tone. Finally, I get to be with him, and yet I'm all of a sudden nervous. I follow him up the stairs and stop at the door. He's waiting for me, and I have done everything to try to get him to be with me. Now its finally time and I'm feeling unlike myself.
Later that day, we head to the living room. I settle in against Dimitri as he turns on the TV. Dimitri runs his fingers up and down my arm. I turn so I can see him. "I know I'm terrible. I just can't get enough of you," he says with a smile.
"I love you," I whisper to him. He smiles back as he mouths. I love you more, followed by a kiss. We sit there for a while, watching TV wrapped around each other. I daydream of what lies in store for us now that our life has just begun.
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