Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Rekindled Love (Clean Version) - Chapter Ninety Two

 The day that James awoke to find that most of his memories were coming back to him, some still vague and uncertain, he was happy to have his family back. He wasted no time spending time with Amelia to make up for the lost time. Annabell and Nolan took Jamie with them to let James and Amelia spend some alone time together.

James ran a few roses down Amelia's chest while looking deep into her eyes. "I can't believe my eyes when I look at you. I wish I would have snapped out of it or been brave enough to come out of hiding. I would have been here for you and the kids. I'm going to make up for all those years that we have missed," James told Amelia. 

James pulled Amelia up to him to embrace her lips. Kissing for a long time. Neither could get enough of each other.

Annabell and Nolan brought Jamie home later that day. With James and Amelia's newfound freedom of sun, they sat outside with Jamie as he played with toys.

James scooped up little Jamie and took him over to the horse, handing Jamie to Amelia. He mounted the horse and then reached down to get Jamie. Placing him in front to hold onto him, they started riding off., "See you in a bit," James called to Amelia. Jamie was enjoying it. He was pointing to everything in amazement as they rode through the woods.

When James arrived back, he meets up with Amelia at the cottage. Nolan and Annabell were talking to her outside. James handed Jamie to Annabell so he could talk to Amelia.

"Ok, here is my plan. We are going to ride and head to the castle, I want my whole family reunited, and the wrong made right," James told Amelia.

Amelia's mouth almost hit the ground. She got a grim look on her face that turned to fear. "She's a monster, she will never let us near Arthur, she will split us up, your mother's evil like that," she told James.

Trust me, I'm not going to let that happen. She will never tear us apart again. She thinks I'm dead, and if she sees that I'm alive, she will not stand up to me. She tried in the past, but I still got my way. I got you and my wonderful kids. I will die a thousand deaths before I let anything bad happen to you or my kids," he explained to Amelia. Even though Amelia could tell that James would die for her and the kids, she was still scared of Kristen. Kristen had been so cruel to her from the time she could walk till now. She wasn't sure what all she was capable of. She only hoped that James was right and could do as he wanted.

James packed a few things for the journey to the castle. He mounted the horse, placing Jamie in front of him. Then pulling Amelia up behind him. Annabell and Nolan joined them on another horse. When they began to head off, Amelia couldn't shake the fear building up inside her. The longer they rode, the sicker she was becoming.

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