With each day that passes, my heart sinks as I notice the changes in the twins. I know they have the curse, even though it has not been confirmed yet. I know it's just a matter of time before the doctor returns with the blood test results. I cuddle Jordan in my arms as his eyes look up at me, and I can see the slightest tint of red in them.
Jordan cooes at me as I make faces at him. The twins seem to grow faster than normal, and it's only been a month since they were born, and yet Jordan appears as if he's already six months old.
I hand Jordan to Dimitri as I cuddle Annabell in my arms. She is the perfect baby, and she has a gentle nature to her. I look at her tiny hands as she wraps her fingers around mine.
I look at Dimitri as he feeds Jordan a bottle. I never imagined Dimitri being this perfect dad who loves every minute of being a father.
Dimitri gently burps Jordan as he holds him on his shoulder.

Daniel, Dimitri's brother, comes over to play with his niece and nephew, and he adores them as much as Dimitri.
The nurse comes in to check on the twins every day, and she also has noticed the changes in the twins like I have. We try to stay positive as the truth rears its ugly head.
My nerves are getting the better of me as I wait on the doctor to arrive. I know this is the day he will tell me the news that I have feared from the beginning. "It will be ok. We can handle this no matter the outcome. I was a Nightwalker for over a year, I can help them. I also have my Aunt Amelia. She knows more about this than anyone in my family. I've been keeping her updated on all the changes. She's also been consulting specialists who know a lot about this curse. If I had to guess, Nolan knows about the possibilities and has already started researching," Dimitri tells me. I know he's trying to keep me calm. "Your right, we are not alone in this. No matter what they say, we can get through this together," I say as I wrap my arms around Dimitri.
When the doctor arrives, he walks over to the twins to greet them. He has a special bond with them since the day they were born.
It's nap time, so I head over to get Annabell out of her swing. Her little smile melts my heart.
Dimitri gets Jordan out of his swing and takes him over to his crib. Jordan is already falling asleep in Dimitri's arms.
Dimitri gets Jordan settles, and Annabell is not far behind him. I place Annabell in the crib as she lets out a small yawn.
"Tell me, is it what we have feared?" I ask the doctor. "I'm afraid the news is not what I wanted to tell you. The blood samples I took of the twins and the visible signs are Nightwalker traits, and they are only half Nightwalker," he explains to me.
"What do we do?" I ask in a panic. "It means we have to treat them as if they are Nightwalkers and see what traits are the strongest," he tells me.
"For example, we need to be careful in the daylight. Keep them out of direct sunlight to protect their pale skin. I'm not sure if we need to give them blood just yet. If their moods change or the weight, then we will have to give it to them. Right now, they seem ok, and they are progressing faster than a normal baby. I will gather up some blood to keep on reserves if we need it. For now, just treat them as if they are normal," he tells me.
My heart sinks as I stand there motionless as the reality sinks in. "It's going to be ok. You have faced worse situations than this. I will try to find more information on their condition. For now, just try to stay calm," he tells me.
They tell me everything will be alright, but deep down, I know that is false hope. I witnessed what Nightwalkers can do and how they destroyed my family. They almost killed me on more than one occasion. I saw how Dimitri suffered when he was one. Dimitri almost died, and he almost killed me when pushed to his limit. I don't want this awful fate for my children.
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